Information about the work of the department of education, physical culture and sport
for the 2nd quarter 2016
The education budget. For the second quarter 2016 education budget amounted to 499,408.0 thousand. Tenge.
MTB. As part of one of the "Road Employment Map - 2020" areas 3 projects approved in 2016: current repairs of outdoor heating line KSU "More - Vladimirovskaya Secondary School", the current repair of windows and doors KSU "Borasinskaya high school - garden", maintenance of the building KSU school "Sosnovskaya high school" projects .Obschaya amount of 67799.0 thousand. tenge.
Hot meals. In the 21st school district in school canteens 1507 students are provided with free hot meals and 368 of them from the category of the poor, orphans and the UBW. Students of primary school children from low-income families are covered with hot food 100%. The diet includes milk and dairy products, honey.
Honey is purchased and delivered to the sticker-bags from the farm "Apiary". Students in grades 1-4 and grades 5-11, students entitled to benefits provided honey completely. The organizations of the district for the purchase of milk and milk products entered into the contract with the farm "Kalihanuly", in the amount of 13376.3 thousand tenge, volume of 53.6 tons of milk and 2.76 tons of dairy products, of which:. At the expense of the local budget for children privileged category for the purchase of milk and dairy products allocated 1510.2 thousand. tenge.
Guardianship (trusteeship). The total number of children left without parental care in the district is 56 children, 37 of them are under the tutelage (guardianship) and 19 children in foster care, and 12 children voluntarily placed under guardianship (custody).
Footage. At the end of the 1st quarter of 2016 the total number of teachers is 561 people, including university graduates - 456 people, with a medium - special-105. Teachers with the highest category - 69, with 1 categories - 164, with two categories - 142 and without category - 186.
Since May of this year, a refresher course to update the content of education have been the teacher of the English language, fine arts, music and physical education teachers, elementary classes, working in class 1. All teachers have passed training courses free of charge. State order for training of managerial and teaching staff of the education system remains stable.
April 20, 2016 the District professonalnogo stage of the contest "Best Teacher" was conducted on the basis of Undrusinskoy high school. Grand Prix won teacher of Russian language and literature Borasinskoy high school garden Smagulova Raigul Ersainovna.
Methodical work. The school district has formed a system to identify and support gifted and talented children.
The main criteria for the success of efforts to work with gifted children are the results achieved by them in the subject Olympiads and competitions of various levels.
Copyright © 2016, Education Department of Akimat of Beskaragai district